EMS VEST complete system for the upper body with 18 electrodes | back | arms | shoulders | abdomen | training | eaglefit®

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eaglefit GmbH

EMS VEST complete system for the upper body with 18 electrodes | back | arms | shoulders | abdomen | training

NEW since November 2024: Train the following muscle groups of your upper body with this easy-to-use, wireless eaglefit EMS VEST with 18 dry electrodes: 1 x biceps, 1 x triceps, 1 x shoulders, 1 x chest, 3 x back, 2 x abdomen in just 20 minutes / week - whenever and wherever you want!

Item number 9638-B
RRP €1,590.00
€ 1,190.00 *
Content 1 piece
In stock, available for immediate delivery
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eaglefit EMS VEST Complete System with POWERBox: Upper Body Workout on the Go

Train efficiently whenever and wherever you want

The EMS VEST with 18 dry electrodes is the innovative solution for anyone looking to make their training fast, effective, and flexible. Whether you want to strengthen your upper body, improve your posture, or simply stay fit – with this smart EMS vest, you will achieve your goals in no time.

Why choose the EMS VEST?

  • Maximum Flexibility: Train anywhere and anytime – whether at home, at your desk in the office, in the car, or in the park. The compact and lightweight vest is easy to take anywhere.
  • Precise and Targeted Training: 18 electrodes specifically stimulate your muscles in the upper body area.
  • Perfect for Everyone: Thanks to its ease of use, the EMS VEST is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. It is also an ideal training option for people with limited mobility, such as wheelchair users.
  • Also at work: Put on the eaglefit VEST, start the app, and train while you work.
  • Time-efficient Training: Just 20 minutes of training per week is enough to achieve initial results.
  • The electrodes on the upper body are arranged in the same way as those of the eaglefit PRO EMS suit.

How it Works:

The EMS VEST uses electrical muscle stimulation to specifically contract and strengthen your muscles. By combining physical movement with electrical impulses, your training becomes even more effective.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Muscle Building and Strengthening
  • Improvement of Posture
  • Increased Endurance
  • Simple and Practical Handling
  • Especially Suitable for People with Limited Mobility

Safety note:

Individuals under 14 years old, those with heart problems or other cardiovascular diseases, electrical implants, metabolic disorders (e.g., Type I or II diabetes, thyroid, liver, or kidney diseases), cancer, abdominal wall or inguinal hernias, pregnant women, or those undergoing chemotherapy should NOT participate in this training! We recommend starting EMS training only in adulthood.

Select the Right Size:

Size Chart for EMS VEST

Partner Training

Partner Training:

The VEST can be controlled with the following POWERBox from eaglefit: PANTS, HOME EMS & PRO EMS.

This means: If your partner already owns such an EMS product from eaglefit, you only need the eaglefit EMS VEST (here you can find the additional vest) and can train with their POWERBox. You can easily save your training profiles directly on your mobile device as usual.

Included in Delivery:

  • eaglefit EMS VEST
  • eaglefit EMS POWERBox
  • USB-C charging cable with charging adapter
  • Free app for precise, professional control - available for Android from version 5.0 Lollipop and for iOS devices (iPhone from iPhone 7 / iPad / Apple Watch)
  • QR code for digital instructions in German and English
  • EMS exercise poster in German and English
  • Washing bag for 30 °C washing of the VEST on a gentle cycle, including care instructions
  • Free access to saved video training sessions


Item ID 9638
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model B-EMS-VEST-Komplettsystem
Manufacturer eaglefit GmbH
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 1060 g
Net weight 860 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm
eaglefit GmbH
Tuchmacherstraße 9
89129 Langenau Germany
Tuchmacherstraße 9
89129 Langenau Germany