[Bundle] B-Stock: eaglefit EMS BELT, effective abdominal or back training, at home and on the go | eaglefit®

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[Bundle] B-Stock: eaglefit EMS BELT, effective abdominal or back training, at home and on the go

The new eaglefit EMS BELT stimulates the abdominal or lower back muscles. It can help you to alleviate back pain and can be worn anywhere and during any activity, e.g. at your desk, at work or at home doing housework.

Item number 9533-B
RRP €159.00
€ 99.00 *
Content 1 piece
available according to availability
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B-stock: eaglefit EMS BELT

**B-stock - 100% functional with 100% guarantee, only minor visual defects on the fabric surface**

With the new EMS abdominal and back belt, you can specifically train your abdominal muscles or lower back muscles. Also ideal for back problems caused by prolonged sitting or driving.

The flexible EMS BELT is discreet and can be worn perfectly and easily under clothing during ANY activity, e.g. at work, when going for a walk or doing housework.

You can also use the EMS BELT to support your fitness workout. You can control the 2 large electrodes with the handy POWERBox via the app on your smartphone.
You have 4 predefined programs to choose from: metabolism (muscle toning), relaxation (regeneration), massage (pleasant massage) and fitness (strength/muscle building).
Electrodes and pulse strength are absolutely comparable with our proven HOME EMS system.

With the practical Velcro fastener, you can easily put on and close the EMS BELT yourself. The POWERBox is removable, so the EMS BELT can be easily cleaned by hand or, if necessary, in the washing machine on a gentle cycle at 30 °C.


Suitable for waist circumferences from 66 cm - 106 cm.

Safety warning:

Persons who are under 16 years of age, have heart problems or other cardiovascular diseases, electrical implants, metabolic diseases (e.g. type I or II diabetes, liver or kidneys), cancer, an abdominal wall or inguinal hernia, are pregnant or undergoing chemotherapy must NOT do this training! 

Download link for your app. 

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    Scope of delivery:

    • eaglefit EMS BELT incl. BELT POWERBox and charging cable
    • QR code for digital instructions in German and English
    Item ID 9533
    Condition New
    Age rating No age restriction
    Model EMS-Belt-B
    Manufacturer eaglefit GmbH
    Manufacturing country Germany
    Content 1 piece
    Weight 340 g
    Net weight 167 g
    Dimensions 0×0×0 mm
    eaglefit GmbH
    Tuchmacherstraße 9
    89129 Langenau Germany
    Tuchmacherstraße 9
    89129 Langenau Germany