eaglefit® fitness band natural latex, pull-up band and strength training | eaglefit®

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eaglefit GmbH

eaglefit® fitness band natural latex, pull-up band and strength training

Optimal support and training aid for pull-ups, push-ups and other strength and stretching exercises. With this eaglefit® exercise band with 2 m length made of natural latex, you can perform more pull-ups than ever before and thus optimize your workout significantly! Available in 2 strengths. (purple: pull-up: 20 - 55 kg / green: pull-up: 10 - 35 kg).

Item number 1024
RRP €29.90
€ 18.90 *
Content 1 piece
In stock, available for immediate delivery
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

eaglefit® Natural latex pull-up and fitness band for support during pull-ups


Train pull-ups and get more reps than ever before!

With this 2-meter fitness band made of 100% natural latex, you get an ingenious training aid and support for your pull-up and strength training.

For pull-up novices, this exercise band works wonders and trained individuals can significantly expand the range of exercises they can do. Thus, more resistances can be performed with a wider grip.

How to attach the pull-up band to a straight pull-up bar

Band on pull-up bar











How to attach the strap to the eaglefit®Climb bar with central suspension

Strap bent on chin-up bar












Place the exercise band around the central attachment of your pull-up bar.  


How the pull-up bar works

Place a bent knee (for medium tension) in the loop or step your foot (for strong tension) into the loop and begin your pull-ups.

The right choice

The eaglefit® pull-up and fitness band is available in 2 strengths:

  • green:  200 cm x 2.8 cm; Pulling aid: 10 - 35 kg, ie. Your body weight you pull up will be reduced up to 35 kg depending on the tension 
  • purple:    200 cm x 4.4 cm; traction aid: 20 - 55 kg, ie. Your body weight you pull up will be reduced depending on the tension up to 55 kg

Our recommendation for beginners

Body weight up to 60 kg: green
Body weight over 60 kg: purple

Our recommendation for professionals

Body weight up to 100 kg: green
Body weight over 100 kg: purple

Example 1:You are a professional and weigh 90 kg, then we recommend the green band. When performing pull-ups pull up depending on the tension 80-55 kg.

Example 2: You are a beginner and weigh 70 kg, then we recommend the purple band. When performing pull-ups you only need to pull up 50-15 kg


1 eaglefit® pull-up and fitness band in the selected color

Item ID 1024
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model Fitnessband Naturlatex
Manufacturer eaglefit GmbH
Content 1 piece
Weight 300 g
Net weight 0 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm
eaglefit GmbH
Tuchmacherstraße 9
89129 Langenau Germany
Tuchmacherstraße 9
89129 Langenau Germany