[Bundle] eaglefit® pull-up bar - oiled - 100 cm oiled, curved, sustainable | eaglefit®

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eaglefit GmbH

[Bundle] eaglefit® pull-up bar - oiled - 100 cm oiled, curved, sustainable

Due to the attachment at a central point, exactly the same force must be applied with both arms - perfect balance training and ideal compensation for one-sided sports such as tennis, golf, etc.. The width of the bar allows a very variable training in both narrow and wide grip. Due to this curved design, each grip position is optimally aligned to the center of the body and is easy on the wrists.

Item number 1156-Seil
RRP €89.90
€ 79.90 *
Content 1 piece
In stock, available for immediate delivery
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

eaglefit® curved pull-up bar, oiled

Material: ash
Width: 100 cm
Optional with length-adjustable fastening strap - depending on the selected variant

Train your back muscles and body balance by doing pull-ups with this ergonomically shaped ash pull-up bar.

With its simple but elegant design, it is a visual asset to any home, office, gym or wellness studio and fits perfectly into the concept of a sophisticated practice for physical therapy.

Each individual eaglefit® pull-up bar meets the highest quality standards and remains as a natural product - handmade in Germany - yet guaranteed unique!

The central length-adjustable suspension makes the pull-up bar a versatile height-adjustable workout tool that you can use to train almost anywhere and perform other exercises such as. For example, rowing exercises can perform.


The special feature of the pull-up bar

  • protected by ARDVOS wood oil no. 266
  • Fastening strap made of skin-friendly industrial nylon with 2 very high-quality aluminum carabiners
  • Adjustable in length overall from 41 to 177 cm
  • Thanks to 6 stitched sections and a central length adjuster
  • Ergonomically designed free hanging pull-up bar made of untreated ash with a width of 100 cm and a diameter of 38 mm
  • Loadable up to 100 kg
  • Fiber rope (ø 8mm), which is securely attached to the pull-up bar with a 4-fold Prusik clamp knot.
    The ends of the rope are each sewn into loops and are hooked into the carabiner from the attachment strap


The special training effects:

By fixing at a central point, exactly the same force must be applied with both arms - perfect BALANCE training and
ideal balance for one-sided sports such as tennis, golf, etc.
The bar allows in particular by the possibility of length adjustment a very variable training.
Through this curved design, any grip position is optimally aligned to the body center and protects the wrists.


Scope of supply

  • depending on choice up to 2 very high-quality aluminum carabiners
  • 100 cm wide, ergonomically curved ash pull-up bar with rope suspension
  • German instructions
  • Optional with adjustable length attachment strap - depending on the chosen variant

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Materials Used, Accessories & Handling

Stainless wood ash

Stainless wood ash has been used for a very long time to make sports equipment such as. For example, bars, wall bars.
The wood is easy to maintain. A slightly damp cotton cloth is sufficient for cleaning.
Due to different exposure to light, the color of the wood may change slightly.


The 140 cm long fiber rope is securely fastened to the pull-up bar with a 4 prusik clamp knot.
The ends of the rope are each sewn into loops and hooked into the carabiner.


Fixing idea for very high rooms ( > 350 cm) or use with a tree (not included): eaglefit® 4m sling for beams / branches

The substrate of any fastening must be able to withstand the load and must be tested before attachment.

Who already owns a SlingTrainer from eaglefit®, finds with this pull-up bar an optimal extension.
Simply hook the carabiner of the pull-up bar on the length-adjustable fastening strap, adjust the length accordingly and train.


Climbing bars from energy- and raw material-saving production

The wood for the pull-up bars comes from the Danube forest or the valleys of the Swabian Alb.
There is enough water and nutrients for optimal and strong growth of ash trees, which is necessary for the good static properties of the wood.

On some sites, the ash develops a brown core, which results in particularly beautiful, intensely colored workpieces.

After the ash trees are felled in winter, they are cut into planks in our neighboring location and then stacked and covered for drying. 

Thanks to the natural drying process, the static properties are fully preserved. In addition, no energy is consumed for drying.

With this type of drying, there may be slight color changes on the surface due to the prolonged storage of the wood by sunlight, wind and weather.

When further processing to pull-up bars, it happens that not all of it is removed and a darker edge remains. This is not a defect, but a sign of responsible handling of raw materials and energy.

Your new pull-up bar will darken in the first few weeks due to UV radiation, since the bright until now protected wood is now also exposed to the sun.  

In addition to the "brown heartiness", a uniformly separated by annual rings darker coloring of the core area, there is especially in the transition from root to trunk and from trunk to crown to a nutrient and mineral congestion. This can result in stronger growth and an irregular color pattern.

Another growth peculiarity is "locking." This forms a wavy pattern in addition to the longitudinal structure, which is highly sought after in spruce and maple for musical instrument making.

Item ID 1156
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model Klimm-100-geoelt-Seil
Manufacturer eaglefit GmbH
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 1260 g
Net weight 854 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm
eaglefit GmbH
Tuchmacherstraße 9
89129 Langenau Germany
Tuchmacherstraße 9
89129 Langenau Germany